5 am in New York by Deanna M GritsonisThe sun hadnt risen yet
The world was that early morning blue
A glowing color from the moon and sun
Each fighting to light the world
The radio playing softly
The steam in the lakes fogging the road
As I maintain a steady 75
I saw the world waking
I saw the dew
The beauty
As the world awoke to a new day
It was something about the fog, the glow, the stillness
Of the dreams floating by
Them nearing an end as the world will awake
Continuing on to a day we bustle threw not even to think of the beauty
I watch as the deer stare me down
Eating their morning grass
This truck is a villain
This road a scar
For the world is filled with our doings
But that brief morning glow
Of the sun and moon fighting the laws of sciences
The world of people still asleep
I found that true peace 06/20/2004 Author's Note: A drive home.... and I at the wheel
Posted on 06/21/2004 Copyright © 2025 Deanna M Gritsonis
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Michelle Angelini on 06/21/04 at 06:41 AM I love this poem, especially the lines, "This truck is a villain/This road a scar." Suggestion: end the poem there, since the whole poem shows the feelings you capsulize at the end. Take or leave as you wish. Good work, Deanna!
Posted by Morgan D Hafele on 04/01/09 at 04:42 PM this is absolutely wonderful. i miss early mornings away from the city. |