Defining a Lusty Goat (not dirty like the title implies) by Madeline PestolesiAs a capricorn
I learned my astrological sign is a goat.
"Bak" in Hungarian.
Then I heard goats represent lust
Which is weird
But I'll go with it.
Yesterday I realized
I have become a lusty goat:
I caught myself staring at mediocre shirtless boys
With farmer tans
And the classy habit of spitting every few feet.
One may have had a mullet.
But I continue to cling to my excuse:
I can't help myself.
I'm just a lusty goat.
06/05/2004 Author's Note: The odd thing about this is that I have used the phrase lusty goat a lot more than anyone might think possible or necessary, so yeah, it's weird, but I made it into a poem.
Posted on 06/06/2004 Copyright © 2025 Madeline Pestolesi