Praise be to the Lord by Dana E BrossardPraise be unto the Lord thy God,
Thanks be to he who gave us life,
Guides us from tempation,
And protects us from evil.
Set the gilded candles, so pure and white,
Upon the altar crafted with love and care,
The hall filled with sweet scent of lilac,
And quiet tones of bells.
Walk smoothly with patience down the hall,
Smiling as friends warm faces smile back,
Garbed all in soft white peaceful robes,
The gentle swish of moving forms.
Raise up thy voice in merry tune,
Hymnals of praise and thanksgiving,
The joys of life and love to fill thy soul,
Praise Be to The Lord, Halleluiah, Halleluiah.
06/02/2004 Author's Note: This one is a bit different from my normal topic and feel. I try to go more for the epic hero and last stand feeling in my works, with varying degrees of success. This time though I wanted to focus more on the praise of the lord, I wanted it to come out more showing the Lord God's support of the people, how his strength supports them and allows everyday people to become grand hero's in their own right. But it didn't turn out right and so I changed the focus more on trying to capture the feel of a well formed congregation giving praise to God on sunday morning, the togetherness and serenity. Feel free to comment on how well (or poor) I captured that feeling...
Posted on 06/02/2004 Copyright © 2025 Dana E Brossard