three poems by Emily G Myersthere is no poetry for what I know
there is only incarceration, death,
adultery, lying, anger, regret, sadness
& rape
there are no lyrics to put to my melody
there is only sex appeal, triteness,
immaturity, stupidity, ambiguity, gluttony
& silence
the bare white walls
serve only to remind me
of all the bad times
that I can't escape
& you're not helping
with your constant reminders
that I gave my heart away
to a boy that couldn't
possibly ever deserve it
& now it's scarred & ugly
but it's my own fault
for leaving it with him
so just
fuck the cliffs I could be jumping off
the slices of my arm I could be cutting
I don't deny them
I only rebel against them 05/30/2004 Author's Note: about my frustration with writing. and boys, of course.
Posted on 05/30/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers