Gentle's Song by Teri T LahmonSing me a lullaby
To ease my troubled mind
The stench of this world
is heavy on my skin
and I want the heaven
promised by the stars in your eyes
Sing your sweet lullaby
let the notes sluice away the film
let me lie in your arms
Press my ear against your flesh
and hear your blood whisper
Nisi Nirvana
Sing me my lullaby
Stroke your sweet voice down my spine
Play my vertabrae like your instrument
Whisper to my toes of the
paradise in your throat
Nisi Nirvana
Your body sings to me
Nisi Nirvana 05/26/2004 Author's Note: This poem is dedicated to John Furie Zacharias and Pie 'oh' Pah whose story has been keeping me company during my long vigil next to a hospital bed and whose love gave birth to this poem. Clive Barker has an awesome (in the more traditional dictionary sense of the word) imagination.
Posted on 05/27/2004 Copyright © 2025 Teri T Lahmon
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Ashok Sharda on 05/27/04 at 03:04 AM 'and hear your blood whisper
Nisi Nirvana'..its more than a gentle song. Its longing for those refined impressions while transmitting beautiful vibrations.
Posted by Oscar Martínez on 05/28/04 at 04:52 AM Perfecto en sentimiento, y fluido como la m�sica de Shankar. |
Posted by Max Bouillet on 05/28/04 at 09:54 PM The verse sings with warmth and wonderful images that speak directly to the soul. Exquisite writing. |
Posted by Thomas K. Hunt on 05/29/04 at 06:33 PM outstanding imagery.....well done |
Posted by Michelle Angelini on 02/23/06 at 07:48 PM Teri, your words wrap themselves around my heart in ways you can't imagine. I will have to find this Clive Barker book and read it. Congratulations on POTD!
~Chelle~ |