

by Jersey D Gibson

Here I am, once again,
in the eve of things to come.
Head bowed low, hands clasped,
as the clocks ticks on down.

Here I am, once again,
In the day of things to come.
My part has come, what do you expect,
when nothing goes as planned?

Here I am, once again,
in the night of things to come.
The sun has died, it wan't alone,
I am left with only my nightmares.

Here I am, once again,
in the time that has passed me by.
Warriors don't grow old, they pass on,
is that what's expected of me?


Posted on 05/09/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rhonda Maneki on 02/27/07 at 06:55 AM

Oh, Jersey - all I want to do is send hugs and love your way. I wish I could say something witty, brilliant, intelligent or something special. All I'm left with is emotion and for that, this exact moment there are no words to express enough what this writing of yours brought to my soul.I have someone who is going to Iraq within a few weeks...its not new to him, yet its very new this time. My heart is in my throat and it beats for all of you.

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