
My Daddy Likes Emo!

by Jersey D Gibson

Listened to Simple Plan the other day,
took my CD's without permission.
Played New Found Glory too damn many times,
hey, aren't you with the older generation?

Old man, gotta go get a tattoo,
hidden under your punk bracelets.
Spike you hair and wear your chains,
you embarass your son to death!

His hand on the volume control knob,
my Dad knows every Weezer song by heart.
Sings "Swing Swing" on the wrong key,
don't ask me, I don't know where to start!

Old man, with your neon blue highlites,
torn jeans and skateboard labeled shirts.
Scary to think he knows more than me on music,
we stand in line for the same concerts!

You think it's funny? I think it's sad,
I just can't go and compete with my Dad.
He's got piercings, he's got the shoes,
my old man is nothing but bad news.

Old man, listen to Lynard Skynard,
or some old Led Zepplin tapes.
We wear the same clothes, it's really pathetic,
if he keeps it up, I'll go half-baked!


Author's Note: Yes, my Dad does like Emo.

Posted on 04/30/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by J. P. Davies on 04/30/04 at 04:47 AM

All of the bands you have listed are NOT emo...Try bands like Sunny Day Real Estate, Cauterize, Saves The Day, and The Get Up Kids, now that's emo.

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