
Tomorrow (A Day Too Late)

by Jersey D Gibson

in your hands.
time slipping on by you,
What was you excuse?

call for help.
The ball's in your hands,
did you just let it drop?

It's never tomorrow,
the day that could save you.
It's never tomorrow,
the day that can't wait.
It's never tomorrow,
you pushed back your sorrow,
Now it's tomorrow,
tomorrow's a day too late.

runs down your arm.
The knife you possess,
was it worth the price?

the tunnel grows.
Too late to turn back,
one way trip to hell.

It's never tomorrow,
the day could get better.
It's never tomorrow,
the day you wake up.
It's never tomorrow,
signed your final letter.
Now it's tomorrow,
tomorrow's a day too late.


Posted on 04/29/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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