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Even if you were not born with the genes of a supermodel

by Vikki Owens

Its easy to be thin.
But there are sacrifices you must make.
Here are step by step instructions to a thinner, happier, you:
1: Make a list of all your life goals.
Getting thin should be number one. If you are not ready for that kind of commitment,
then dont bother.
Just stay fat old you.
2: Make a list of all your favorite foods.
Include every food you EVER enjoyed (for added weightloss benefits,
and to kick-start
your obsessive compulsive disorder, alphabetize).
This is now a list
of all the foods you absolutly must NEVER EAT AGAIN for the rest of your life.
(for further information see below).
3: Make a list of all your friends and family,
in order of who loves you most: this list
will now become all the people you will ignore/hurt
when your diet makes you choose thinness over them.
remember you can either
be thin or have friends.
Which is more important?
If your answer is friends, then dont bother.
Just stay fat old you.
4: Give up the notion
that you will ever feel well again.
5: Give up the notion
that you will ever be able to eat anything on the list made in step 2.
If you do eat any of these items you must instantly make yourself as guilty as possible.

It is only through guilt that we learn.

6: Give up the notion
that you will ever be able to SEE your wieghtloss.
Just rest assured that if you are dieting
and your stomach is empty
then you MIGHT MIGHT be worth a damn.
7: Give up the notion
that you will ever be happy.
ESPECIALLY give up the notion
that losing weight will make you that way.
(see above)


Posted on 04/26/2004
Copyright © 2025 Vikki Owens

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Michelle Angelini on 04/27/04 at 05:58 AM

What painful feelings you've exposed in this poem. Hits a raw nerve with me, but now for me it's not a matter of thinness, it's a matter of health. Sheesh! don't ever grow old. The grimy gremlins will getcha! Oh the food I've had to give up because it rebels on me. :-(

Posted by Melinda Sordino on 04/27/04 at 02:40 PM

ah, the foods i have eaten in the times of great torment only to have those same foods turn on me in the end. this is so awesome, so truthful and honest. *hugs*

Posted by Cole Miller on 04/29/04 at 02:47 AM

..................... (this is my speechlessness)

Posted by Anne Boulender on 01/20/07 at 05:14 AM

yeah i second that (what you wrote). i'm so sick of this obsession with thinness. i've been on a diet since i was 11.

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