my moo ma
by Lisa-Dawn SparlingI know we dont see each other much,
But sometimes just knowing your close by is enough.
For over half my life you have filled my heart,
You have become part of my fabric.
I have never had so much fun with someone,
doing absolutely nothing.
We get each other with out explanations
We understand each others humor,
We except each others faults,
We never let each other down.
I could never take you for granted,
I could never imagine life with out you.
I dont care where you live,
I dont care how you live,
Just as long as I know,
that we are both still breathing the same air.
You are beautiful to me, always.
I have never gotten used to how stunning you are.
I have never gotten used to how blessed I am.
I will miss you with every drop of me.
You are my sexual chocolate,
And I will always be your rockin hot pysco sex goddess,
No matter where you live.