
Running (blind)

by Jersey D Gibson

I see your face looking back at me,
from the darkness.
Twisted trees that stand in my way,
ghosts that haunt us.

The skeletons in the closet clutch so dear,
they won't let go.
Can't leave the past, can't stop the pain,
the blood still flows.

Time cannot heal your wounds,
when your running blind.
Soon the cliff will be before you,
all it takes is time.

Voices screaming for my head again,
but they don't know me.
A lifetime of suffering, is it a crime?
It's enough to condemn.

The rot inside my soul can't be exorsized,
please amputated away.
It won't be missed, I sold it off,
never had a clean slate, anyways.

Walking with no shoes on broken glass,
or your running blind.
Playing leapfrog on a busy highway,
all it takes is time.


Posted on 04/22/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Ashok Sharda on 04/22/04 at 04:41 PM

Yes, all it takes is time to erase those associations so deeply rooted within, having external association, the energy source.

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