
Love From The Shadows

by Jersey D Gibson

Silently creeping,
never wants to come closer.
Rather keep the distance,
don't dance too close to the flame.

Watching from afar,
like a lonely guardian angel.
Left me in the dark,
about your presence, in the dark.

You never touched my golden hair,
the kind you drempt about for so long.
You've never betray yourself,
for dreams aren't obtainable.

You stay out there,
I'm in here, you're in the rain.
You're hidden face betrays your feelings,
when you see me with someone else.

How do I know you're there,
when I don't even know your name?
My silent knight in shadowy armor,
you protect me from yourself.

We've played this game for too long,
and I'm the one who's moved on.
You ever had the courage to step forward,
won't have the courage to not hold your peace.

You stood outside the church,
I saw you outside my wedding.
I never knew who you were until then,
but now I know your name: stalker.


Posted on 04/21/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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