

by Jersey D Gibson

The fashion glows, and the glory goes,
to this year's biggest celebrity.
Best in hair, and best in dress,
doesn't know the word 'propriety'.

Shock and awe us with such splendor,
you make our sons drool.
Catch our eyes with your trashy clothes,
you'll make our daughters into sex tools.

Where was the sense in anything you've done?
Broke the rules for your first million dollars.

Lead a generation with the snap of your fingers,
with clothing you stole from the junkman's daughter.

Change your name, change your personality,
you were a whore anyhow.
Look like you lived a life on the streets,
which is where we want to be, right now.

Too-red lipstick and bottle blonde hair,
like a dying goddess's last dance.
Flaunt to us, and we flock to you,
materialism has gotten us tranced.

Rag to rich, but you're still that bitch,
who grew up on the wrong side of town.

Are you the pillar of accomplishment,
or another worm who crawled up from the ground?

Sold your soul for hopes and dreams,
you're an artist, you're a star.
Spread your legs for nickles and dimes,
now it's for platinum albums, you'll go far.

What of the other's you walked on,
the one's that originally paved the way?
You stood on the shoulder of geniuses,
got rich, that's the American Way.

You're in high society, you've got class,
driving through town in a limousine.

Have you forgotten your roots,
or do you bribe them off with diamond rings.


Posted on 04/18/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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