
(didn't) Thank You

by Jersey D Gibson

How long has it been?
obsidian wall reminds me.
How many names does it have?
How many still without?
You hated that war, went against it,
and culled everyone who was dragged under.

Still running from the memories,
you couldn't imagine even if I told you.
Lived with horror and pain every day,
and you complain about your damn life.
You burned me down about my Colors,
you don't have the balls to wear.

It's that time, it's that place,
go ahead and spit in my face.
Ground in the dust everything that was Spirit,
give me the thankless job I didn't ask for.
The youth of the nation has spoken out,
America has turned her back on me?

The time has passed, 2 scores ago,
ashes to ashes, rust to rust.
Still haven't been thanked for serving,
now we're in another thankless war.
Our sons and daughters go off to fight,
at least I'm the only one that really understands.


Author's Note: I've been 'thanked' for joining the service by many strangers, but only one man has ever thanked my Father for joining during Vietnam, what this poem is about. That person was me.

Posted on 04/15/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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