Endgame by Richard VinceCircling in...closer
And closer and paler
Like the sky splitting
Into a thousand stars
Clouds breaking up
Fragments littering the Earth
Dust of a thousand centuries
Kicked aside by careless feet
Standing by the side of the road
Waiting, waiting for clearing
Wrapped up against the wind...
The biting chill that tears the soul
Ripping my skin
Shredding my tears
Killing my hope, my joy
And so, we end...
Every manoeuvre carefully executed
And so, we end. 11/15/2000 Posted on 04/04/2004 Copyright © 2025 Richard Vince
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Rula Shin on 04/07/04 at 09:12 PM "And so, we end�Every manoeuvre carefully executed Execution" - very well said...very sad. If I might make one suggestion though it would be to take out the very last line as it is a bit redundant and does not retain the same impact as the line I quoted above...the above sounds more like the 'final' stanza should sound like...just my humble opinion of course :-) |