
Factory 3

by Richard Vince

The hands are silent now…
Gone, to find life to hold
Cold metal is dormant memory
Until Monday morning
When the Sun shines in tired eyes

But the cogs still turn
With every second
The silence is cut, bleeding

No eyes see
No eyes recall
Only time knows

Time cannot ignore
The continual rising and setting
Movement that never slows
Never takes the day off
Will not hesitate
Even when the windows close
And all around is silence

Secrets are never kept
By disloyal glass
But ignorance can hide anything


Posted on 03/29/2004
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rula Shin on 03/29/04 at 10:03 PM

Wow that last stanza is just...WOW. I'm going to start quoting you with that! I'm guessing there's Factory 1 & 2 which I shall go read...

Posted by Rula Shin on 03/29/04 at 10:19 PM

Ok I can't find the Factory 1 or 2 so I'll continue...this factory seems a dreary place (reminds me of the beginning of "Joe and the Volcanoe" with Tom Hanks) though this poem is (by far) highly meaningful in comparison to that movie. Still the drudgery is apparent here as is the mindless, numbing, endless "continual rising and setting Movement...of cold metal". TIME in this poem is huge it seems - inside the factory is a living entity - ever present life, ongoing and relentless...I'm not quite sure how to fit in the final stanza in with this interpretation though. The final stanza speaks to me more of the dynamics between the workers...I'd like to know the creative thinking that went on behind this piece...it me think and I like that very much. Nice job! :-) Hope I didn't butcher your meaning too much!

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