Topic: What? by Amanda J CobbI wanted to tell you
something true,
something about how that chance encounter
wasn't so chance to me,
something to do with
and music
and the way your jeans fit,
but I could only sit,
in silence,
watching you,
the words unable to find their way
off of my tongue
and to your heart.
I wanted to tell you
that I didn't regret it,
that I think about it again and again
in those moments
before sleep,
before dreams,
reserved for those thoughts
that I can't let daylight see
for fear that I couldn't then
deny them any longer.
But I am done denying.
I wanted to tell you,
but as I sat there,
watching you,
searching vainly for words
that my tongue could wrap itself around,
my courage failed me
and I was simply left staring.
You finally noticed
and asked, "What?"
And I said, "Nothing." 03/20/2004 Author's Note: Another topic from Joe Chiles. Not at all fictitious, this one.
Posted on 03/21/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb