A Poet's Lament by Thomas K. HuntIt rolls across the pages
As it flows out of my head
Once down it’s eternity
Now can only be read
For a short time it was only mine
Now it’s here in black and white
Left behind for you to find
To help you think tonight
You can think of beauty
All in it’s different forms
You can think of the peaceful calm
That follows a raging storm
You can think of colors
The rainbow’s full of them
You can think of someone
A lover or a friend
You can think happy
You can think sad
Just a thought to make you think
Of a life that you once had
You can think of travel
Places of truth and dare
You may think of something
That makes you think you’re there
You can think of treasures lost
Think of true loves that are found
Think of things and the price they cost
Think of life, six feet under ground
You can think endless thoughts
Each derived from the last
You can think how long it took
You can think it passed too fast
The beauty of thought when you think
Is the essence of it all
Laid out on these pages
Are thoughts both big and small
Posted on 03/14/2004 Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt