Dwindling You by Deanna M GritsonisThere is a part of me inside dying
That space in my heart for you grows heavy
You mom, say your leaving
But it isnt a divorce that is taking you
Its the end soon
I see it in your eyes
The life is leaving
The hope is dwindling
The tears fall
As a little girl I didnt think youd ever go
I always thought I would have you
to hug
to help
to love me
and for me to love
But your going and I am not ready for you to leave
I need you to see me become great
To see me graduate
To see me off to my adventures of life
I am scared and cry alone
Even being held cant help
The tears just clean my contacts
I just want you to stay with me
To stay and see me grow
I try to act like nothings wrong here
Only mentioning your trips to see the doctor to a close few
Not letting anyone really know what is wrong
Trying to hide it
But it sneaks up on me
That sadness that one day you wont be here
For me to call
For me to talk to
If you knew this feeling that progresses
As you get sicker
It gets bigger
A feeling no one can understand
A pain for you to stay and not go away
03/05/2004 Author's Note: I love you.
Posted on 03/05/2004 Copyright © 2025 Deanna M Gritsonis