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by William P Strucke

she did not say where she was going,
and I don't expect her to return.
she's been gone two nights already,
though I call, she answers not her phone.

we had a fight and I was angry,
said some words I did not mean;
I miss her now more than tears can carry,
and my life means nothing to me.

I'm now alone, she left forever
she'll naught return and I will stay,
and if perchance there comes another,
I'll turn my back and walk away.

it's she I love, it's her the only,
one I want to see each day.
my legs grow weak, my heart grows heavy,
each night, with tears; I find -- a place

to stay.


Posted on 03/02/2004
Copyright © 2024 William P Strucke

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