rachel by Emily G Myersrachel broke her arm
i still remember
her purple cast
i signed as her best friend
a year of shock
a loss of innocence
she was at my side
mom, can I go over to rachel's?
who's rachel?
a girl from school
no, maybe not
she wanted me to stay over
my public school best friend
as summer approached
she asked again
come see me in june
mom said no again
& i never saw rachel's house
or her anymore
but i won't forget
her purple cast
"feel better, BFF - Emily" 02/10/2004 Author's Note: I only went to public school for a year, and it was sort of a shock to me cause I'd only known church and a Christian school as my social places. so in fourth grade I learned what a virgin was, that I had fat, hairy thighs, and how to insult boys back. Rachel was my best friend, but my over-protective parents wouldn't let me spend the night at her house. she and I were so different physically, but so similar emotionally. and my most vivid memory of her is her purple cast. so there you go.
Posted on 02/16/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers