Topic: February 13th, Anti-Valentines day by Trisha De GraciaToday is the day that we share our emotions
and not just the pretty yet seldom returned.
The hate and the lust sans the justification
The greed and fury that's so often burned.
Today we shall give out our little black hearts
with pissy aspersions all scrawled on the front.
We'll tell all those jerkheads of just what we feel,
fear not, for we won't shy from being too blunt.
With Valentine's day just a notch 'round the corner
the candy store owners are getting real fat.
But I won't pay homage to Purdy's exploition,
I'll spit at their shoes and I'll mock them (take THAT!).
Don't think that I'm bitter or've never felt special
that maybe my romances spill into sorrow,
for even though this day I'll glare down on love
I asure you that I will be all smiles tomorrow :D 02/13/2004 Author's Note: Woot! I can rhyme! lol. Anti-Valentines Day, me and Barbara (Griffith) started this 3 years ago when we were both bfless.... well.. for the past two years including this one I haven't been (*grins*) but for the 13th I shun all lovers (I've only got 1 to shun :D) and become a nonparticipating single for a day *grips the withdrawl aches, lol*
Posted on 02/14/2004 Copyright © 2025 Trisha De Gracia