making the bed by Emily G Myersthe bed where we cry
where we unite
we are one
and two
and angry
and laughing
you make it every morning
just because
fold the blankets
fluff the pillows
straighten the skirt
our love
our tears
you make it every morning
just because
I slept next to you
for the first time
on this bed
felt your warm presence
the comfort of your soft breathing
falling asleep
knowing you're safe
waking up
knowing I am
on this bed where we cry
we also unite
even if we tangle the blankets
you make it every morning
just because
(you love me) 02/11/2004 Author's Note: he makes his bed every morning without fail no matter what. this consistency became a metaphor for our reconciliation after arguments. we fix it. he fixes it. it won't be left unfixed - like the bed won't be left unmade. he keeps us together.
I wrote this all (poem + AN) after a huge fight he and I had. to let him know. and then it sat for a while until it resurfaced today. and here it is.
Posted on 02/11/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Rula Shin on 02/12/04 at 07:21 PM Aww, I like this. But don't forget to help him make the bed sometimes too...keeping it together is always a two way street! Great poem! :-) |
Posted by Beth K Hannah on 12/02/04 at 04:02 AM I liked this and what it symbolizes. It is nice to know not everyone gives up. |