
Topic: Being Popular is Lame

by Amanda J Cobb

Spend so long being fake,
being a painted lie,
and somewhere along the way
reality is lost,
truth is lost,
is lost.
You become another blank face
among the mindless herd
of popular zombies,
indistinguishable and unimportant -
a single, discardable cell
in the greater, carnivorous mob.

What colors you had
to set you apart -
the reds of passion,
the blues of sorrow -
are bleached to white
and eyes become set
in cool, affected apathy
until a vacant stare
is the only expression left.

Plastic, you are plastic -
a very realistic plastic doll,
only given motion,
by the whims of others.
They pick you up to play for a bit
and you blink, slowly.
How it amuses them.

But I can see
through you.
I can see the lack
where the substance used to be,
where you willingly let them
bleed it out
for the sake of a name
in breifly flashing lights.

I would call you hollow,
as transparent as glass,
but that would imply some kind of depth.


Author's Note: Topic from Joe Chiles. Another already-in-bed-and-had-to-get-up-again-to-write poems. No, this is not about me...this is an apostrophe, addressed to a person not present.

Posted on 02/10/2004
Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Jean Mollett on 02/15/04 at 03:15 AM

Hi Amanda, Being Popular Is Lame, it's very good. Never did care about all that being so popular stuff, most were so stuck up. Some I knew weren't or they were down right mean & rude to some people. Being plastic like a doll, just like the Barbie doll. So many wants to look like her. Forget about that silly stuff and just go on & be yourself. And enjoy what life has to bring ya. Peace & Joy, Jean.

Posted by Jean Mollett on 02/15/04 at 03:17 AM

Life's too short as it is.

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