The Tragedy of Modern Man by Amanda J CobbWe interact with it everyday. When we step out of our houses, look through our windows, or take a walk, there it is. Call it the Goddess Earth or call it Gods creation or call it nothing at all, it is still there nature, the wonderful forms of the living earth. A force to be reckoned with, and one would think not easily ignored, yet so many people in the modern world pass it by without a moments consideration.
The past has seen nature abused, exploited, and destroyed by the races of men. Nature has been seen as a thing that is there for mankinds use and if its not useful, we have no interest in maintaining it. Stricter, enforced environmental standards and the green groups that fight for preservation have done a lot to improve the treatment of our living planet, but, sadly, these abuses still happen to some extent. The overall attitude towards nature seen in the world today, however, is in many ways worse ignoring it.
If a poll was taken among random people stopped on the street, how many would be able to name the last time they stopped for a moment and just took nature in? Stopped and appreciated it, wondered at its beauty anything at all besides the everyday automatic and unconscious awareness that yes, it is still there? The results of such a poll would be disappointing indeed.
Some people would say that ignoring nature is better than destroying it. In a way, they would be right. Leaving nature alone altogether, it will go on without us thrive, even. But a different question comes to mind: what is the point of saving nature, if no one appreciates it? What glory is there in a flower not destroyed, if no one notices the flower? What, then, is the point? Preserving nature is wonderful, but if it stops there, its like only doing half of the job.
Upon arguing this point, someone inevitably responds by asking, well, whats the point of us appreciating it what does that do for us? Of course, there is no direct answer to that. How is it possible to explain to someone the absolute beauty of a sunset over the rippling water, the peace to be found on a lazy afternoon with the trees as shade above, the wonder felt for the never-ending cycle of life at watching a mother bird feed her chicks? If people have to ask, nothing that can be said would explain it to them.
This, of course, is the root of the problem. There is no wonder, no amazement at the simple moments that nature gives us among the general, everyday populace. It is simply passed by. The average person does not stop to wonder, how long has that tree stood there? He does not actually stop and smell the roses, as the saying goes. She does not get up early just to see the sun rising over the horizon in awe of natures immense and glorious design. That is the modern mans tragedy to be constantly surrounded by wonders and beauty, and never see it at all. 04/14/2003 Author's Note: More of an essay or an argument than a short story. But still valid.
Posted on 02/08/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb