
The Answer

by Thomas K. Hunt

Your muse sat on your shoulder as you wrote your poem to me
It would be a dream come true with you until one hundred and three
It's true, we have no past
We've missed out through the years
And as your verse filled my head it forced out flowing tears

The yearning in your word flow was evident and clear to see
That this unconditional love has formed between you and me
One thing I know now and I know you know it too
Our future is filled with each other
A new beginning for me and you

To have you by my side
To see your face with each new sun
Would make my life complete
For above you, there is no one

So may we both be blessed with a half of century
And you're right to pray to God to let there be no hurry
I love you so it hurts, but a good hurt just the same
You know that I'll be smiling when your son bears my name


Author's Note: I love you Em

Posted on 01/26/2004
Copyright © 2024 Thomas K. Hunt

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Emily Sullivan on 01/27/04 at 12:30 AM

thank you

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