
Time Will Tell

by Jersey D Gibson

The clock tick, tick, tick;
tick-tock, tick-tock.

Lives held down by 12 numbers,
ruled by a concept we don't understand.
time ticks down, your days are numbered,
watch your life winding down...

tick, tick, tick, tick...

Watch the hands spinning round,
come around to point at you.
All the time in the world,
to have not enough time...

tock, tock, tock, tock...

Eighty years to live your existance,
what do you bother doing?
Your wrist reminding you what you got left,
regret the things you never got done.

ticking, ticking, ticking, ticking...

The numbers of your life are so important,
time, social security, checking balence.
Do you even remember what your dreams were?
or do you plan that on a three day holiday?

tick, tock, tick, tock...

Counting down, what's left of your life,
do you even know what that is?
You waste your days, like smoking cigarettes,
do you thive so much for the end?

ticking down, tocking down,
winding down, wasting down...

Where will you be when your life's watch ends,
will you ask for a little more time?
What will you remember, what will you regret,
or will you life be that meaningless?

Time is the one thing you don't get back...


Author's Note: Check up on the song Cat's in the Cradle. That's what inspired this song.

Posted on 01/15/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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