
Ignore Previous Transmission

by Jersey D Gibson

Hello world,
this is God,
how are you?
You've got everything wrong.

See all you say,
all you do,
it's not my fault,
blaim lies with you.

Gave you a chance,
gave you plenty,
screwed it up,
what am I to do?

You had it easy,
you had it nice,
but instead you chose,
sin and vice.

You were in slavery,
I bailed you out,
gave you some rules,
broke them before I set them.

After a while,
you grew and prospered,
a little extra guidance,
was all you needed.

I sent him to work,
my only boy,
and what do you give him,
but wonderful treatment?

That's ok, I guess,
I'm understanding,
gave you a guidebook,
to get an idea.

You got together,
made some committee,
slapped some rules,
but I let it slide.

You made wars,
you made plagues,
you made assumptions
all in my name.

You burned others,
you made laws,
built and destroyed,
and I wept.

Still you called for me,
and I am patient,
forgiving you,
is what a Father does.

Still you blighted,
and destroyed my world,
tried surpassing me,
even speculating I'm not here.

So all you've done,
and all you got,
hope your happy,
here I'm not.

Enjoy! :)


Author's Note: Nominated Poem Of The Month! MAY05

Posted on 01/14/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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