
Jersey Got His Gun

by Jersey D Gibson

Today's the day you become a man,
that's what my Papa said.
Fight in battles your fathers did,
it's time to be the hero.

Don't go and join the system,
that's what a friend of mine said.
She never did anything but for herself,
I wonder how she felt?

Just please come back to me,
that's what my love said.
Do your best, I love you so,
I can't wait to see you again.

We're behind you all the way,
that's what a stranger said.
I could never go, I wanted to,
you're what makes us great.

Thank you for helping our country,
that's what my recruiter said.
It was the best thing I ever did,
I think it'll be the same for you.

You'll be coming back to us soon?
that's what my best friends said.
Talk for hours about old memories,
we'll have new ones to discuss.

I'm off to be all I can be,
that's what I said.
Time to go and prove to myself,
just what I'm made of.


Author's Note: Actual conversations.

Posted on 01/13/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Amy Niggel on 01/13/04 at 09:40 PM

More power to you, you are a brave soul. Take care of yourself.

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