Morning *Dreamalities* by Matt ForgetKiss my lips to wake my sleepy eyes
As you lie next to me
Waiting for your beloved to arise
Catered by the endless love for you
You slept by my side all night
Holding my every inch
As my soul relaxed into yours
We slept as we were one
May the nightmares perish
As you whisked them away from me
The light I follow is you
From the eyes of my lover
Our dreams couldnt be clearer
Of the hidden fields we lie in
Where only the stars can see us
Kissing each other passionately
And when I wake
Its because of that passionate kiss
That took me from my dream
And made it real
01/08/2004 Author's Note: I know dreamality is not a what...I make things up as I go alone ;)
Posted on 01/08/2004 Copyright © 2025 Matt Forget