
Holy Matri-Phony - VII (A Sojurn)

by Jersey D Gibson


The gunslinger sat up in the bed, his shoulder throbbing him, which wasn't painful, just a nuisance. He had been at the woman's house for almost a week, laid up because of his two gunshot wounds becoming infected. Eve had nagged on him because of his state, mostly that he did to himself, but he felt she liked his company, otherwise she'd turned him off the first night to die.

"Well, I see we're up this morning." Eve said as she walked into the house, with Pip's saddle in hand. She set the saddle down on the footboard, in front of the gunslinger. He looked at it, then at her.

"I don't know what to do with a saddle. My husband took care of such things. Besides, you need to work your arm, otherwise it will go limp on you." The gunslinger shrugged, and scooted himself towards the saddle, which he started rummaging through the saddlebags. He reached for the chalkboard and chalk, and wrote something.

-where is your husband?-

Eve looked down at the Bible next to her. She was silent for a short amount if time, then she looked at the gunslinger, her eyes a little moist.

"He's in God's land, along with my son. I'm a widow." She walked away, then brought a chair and sat next to the bed with the gunslinger. She held the Bible in her hands. "They died two years ago in a attemped bank robbery. They were in the wrong bank at the wrong time. They were shot down along with everyone else at the time. Now, the bank will foreclose on my property because territorial law states no unmarried woman can own land. Eve looked at him for a moment.

-I think I know what you're going to ask- The gunslinger wrote, the saddle resting next to him on bed.

"I need a man to marry me," Eve explained,only so I can keep my land and home. As long as your name is on the deed, I needn't worry if you leave, just as long as no one finds you dead." She paused for a moment, and looked up at the gunslinger. "I hate making demands, but I don't want to become homeless."

The gunslinger sighed, looking at the holster that was looped around the bed post near his feet. He had lost time healing up, but without Eve, he'd more than likely be dead. Besides, she already said she didn't need him there, just his name. He'd be free to travel, and help the woman that saved his life. Another day or two, and he could be on his way with no worries.

-do I pop the question now?-

- END -


Author's Note: Explainations: saddlebags - Bags on a saddle to hold items, usually held together by thong latches. territorial law - States that no unmarried woman can own land in a territory. Widow's had two years to remarry or forfeit their lands. This is why Mormons originally became polygymists.

Posted on 01/08/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

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