
puppet girl

by Rachelle Howe

you are not a real girl.
you're made of wood;
your limbs haven't
been shaved yet.
i would take sandpaper
to your fingertips but
they'd be awkward and

your eyes
haven't been placed
into their sockets,
the glass hasn't been
painted green.

you've been
kept on strings and
held down, and kept
for decades.

(you dangle; left.
by your maker.)


Author's Note: hm. still needs work. my brain kinda quit working. but i like the image i have in my head.

Posted on 12/30/2003
Copyright © 2024 Rachelle Howe

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Max Bouillet on 12/31/03 at 04:42 PM

I can see this in two different lights. 1st the author as the unfinished girl. The feeling of God forcing you into the role of a perfect little doll... but coming up short and feeling like your too imperfect to be a creation of God and yet the responsilbilty is God's for he never finished the creation properly... thus indignation and anger. 2nd way I see it... the author as the creator. Trying to make someone else in your image (change them) thus taking the place of God and coming up short and giving up. Leaving the creation altered but not perfected and not liking what you have done to them and then forsaking them for your own failure. Never wanting to see them again because they remind you of your failed imperfections. Sorry I got in-depth, but this one really got me thinking and actually I could probably and still might wright an essay on this piece. If I do, I will post it in my journal.

Posted by Max Bouillet on 12/31/03 at 04:44 PM

Sorry for all the typos and mispellings.... maybe Gavin could put a spell/grammar check feature on these postings?

Posted by Bethany Lee on 01/15/07 at 05:29 AM

reminds me of a similar piece that I wrote, "paper doll" same meaning, same gist...i hear you all the way, girl...

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