Quote Me, Lovely by Lacey SmithQuote Me, Lovely
Baby, you're a prince in
Noel, you're a king.
You're like butterscotch on the roof of my mouth,
baby sing with me.
You're like the rain and the clouds
and the mounds of grassy parts.
And baby, I like you just like that.
Know what baby,
Cause I dont.
Slip me another drink.
You're there your smile.
I'm not, I'll never know why.
Noel, you're a castle,
you're a fortress, you're a camp.
You're like a refugee that's runnin'
and there's nothing wrong with that.
You got me spun around your finger
in this wound-up tight wrap.
And baby, there really isn't
nothing wrong with that.
Baby, you're liberty,
you're a swingin' kind of man.
And I'd give anything
[baby anything]
to take you in.
But you're untouchable, babe,
you're freedom,
you're unreachable and
you're high.
And baby, Noel.
Don't think I'll ever know why
11/16/2000 11/16/2000 Author's Note: This was one of my very first experiments in writing to a beat. At the time I hadn't delved much into beat culture but I think that might be what this is most closely akin to. I just wanted to write something that could be read on a cadence.
Posted on 12/13/2003 Copyright © 2025 Lacey Smith