Second Chances and Patterns by J. P. Davies
Sometimes, life offers no second chances.
Ostensibly, the same is also true with you.
For if my chance has elapsed,
I made a mockery of it.
You gave me your heart outright, and I gave it back.
Well, most of it.
Some fragments I keep forever.
You keep mine.
I'll hoard yours.
We'll smile and masquerade as if we're whole.
You are there...
I am here...
But if I was there, would it make any difference?
I will never know------>(1st Chance Fled)
It's enough, I suppose, to know that you loved me once.
And I'll never forget it.
It still makes me sad that I can't be the only one for you.
I forfeited my chance.
There are no more.
*Gasps for breath*
I exist for the duration interpolating words,
you never say.
And in the saying they are adrift.
The pattern in all of this has not escaped me...
Boy meets Girl.
Boy succumbs.
Boy transgresses.
Boy wanders.
Boy loses his way.
Girl Suffers.
Boy can't see her.
Boy is blinded to all but his intrinsic turmoil.
Girl screams for attention.
Boy cannot hear her.
Boy is waylaid in internal monologue.
Girl strains to grasp his hand.
Boy sunders contact and runs.
Over, and over.
Patterns of pain are written in the insomniac circles
under his eyes.
He can't sleep again because at 1:30 AM
she's in his head again. Implicative of the night before.
He tries...But Can't...F-O-R-G-E-T
How she made him....convalescent.
He sleeps...wakes up and forgets again...
same old pattern...
12/08/2003 Author's Note:
These are two seperate thoughts that came out on the same page so I left them blended...I took the picture myself on my way home from Victoria on Sunday...
Posted on 12/08/2003 Copyright © 2025 J. P. Davies