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by Britt Zimmerman

I want to come home to you
Like when I look into your eyes

I can feel the sound of your breath
against my eardrum
and it matches the beat in my heart
Your presence is lingering in my arms
around my waist
and climbing about my back

The brush of wind-blown hair upon my cheek
and you are whispering kisses to my lips

I see pinks...
and you,
You are like auburn skies

You are brilliance to me...


Posted on 12/08/2003
Copyright © 2024 Britt Zimmerman

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by John Ilotan on 12/10/03 at 11:35 PM

Gorgeous, so soft and romantic (just the way I like them)."The brush of wind-blown hair upon my cheek and you are whispering kisses to my lips",the flow and imagery are beautiful.

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