Misbegotten Fairytale by Amanda J CobbThe clocktower struck twelve
in the bright sunlight,
as I was entering the building,
with both of my shoes, not leaving,
and I knew something was backwards about that.
The top of my soup carton
said Sweetheart in bevelled, white letters,
with two intertwined swans
forming a heart to the side
and I looked around for my misplaced poison apple.
The fruit juice was a dark strawberry,
the bag of chips bright cherry red,
even the three packets of saltine crackers
had a ruby lining to them
and I wanted a mirror to check my lips.
And as I sat down to my lunch
in the room so quiet and empty,
I could hear my own thoughts
all too loud and clear:
So where is my Prince Charming? 12/02/2003 Posted on 12/02/2003 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb