The Flight of Decades by Karen MichelleI saw the age seeping out of you
like blood red wine, once vintage
and in demand but now, past
its prime and stinging of
acidity and sour maturity.
Less than gracefully, you stumbled,
struggling to recover balance
as the world discovered your
fragility, hidden for so long
under the muscle of hard labour.
Your lips deceived you, this night -
an intermission between thinking and speaking -
and the fragments of your weathered spirit
fell sporadically - a syncopated melody
of diminished capacity.
We caught time in our hands
for an unmeasured moment,
holding the caterpillar of
months and years in cupped palms.
But, as with all metamorphoses,
the winged seconds escaped us,
flitting off through openings
framed by white knuckles that
struggled to hold onto
the exhale of glory days and youth.
In these hours before midnight
I watch you sink back into yourself,
remembering what it means
to feel the creak of bones
and twinge of nerve endings.
And I wonder if you knew yesterday,
that we only have one chance at today...
make it last, make it last,
12/01/2003 Author's Note: There is something missing in this one and eventually I will make it whole. For now, this will have to do.
Posted on 11/30/2003 Copyright © 2025 Karen Michelle
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Philippa Jane on 12/01/03 at 05:10 AM The only thing missing is you - on vacation. There are never any holes in your words, mi amor. |
Posted by Thomas K. Hunt on 12/04/03 at 11:54 PM excellent read..The imagery captures well the subject. |
Posted by Michele Schottelkorb on 12/07/03 at 03:58 AM oh, make it last... your words rings trueness and honesty... oh this is oxygen... this is poetry... blessings... |