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Teaching II

by Bet Yeldem

through the drama of Sarah's breakup with Tommy
and the thrill of Ricky's first A
there's something more

there's Jorge in the back corner who never spoke
about anything other than superficial fluff
and now questions philosophical "truths"
aloud, confronting anyone willing
to wrestle his genius mind

there's Jacob in the front row who always spoke
about everything under the sun just to prove
how much he knows and that he's right
except now, he's still and quiet
humbled by his ingorance

there's Tisha who's been absent for days turning
into weeks only to return eating for two
a doctor's note for a restroom pass
and joy and heartbreak mixed
in a womanchild's voice

there's David who's been staying after regularly
spending lunch times and breaks in my room
soaking up the peace of a quiet space
because his home is full of chaos
and he must gather strength

through the routine of dreaded paperwork deadlines
and the pitifully disappointing pay
there's something more
worth staying for


Posted on 11/30/2003
Copyright © 2024 Bet Yeldem

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