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by William P Strucke

this shadowed light, falling footsteps on paper
though enduring through my short time here
leads to nothing but a martian night, I am,
and finished upon these last mortal breaths
laughter will die fleeing to escape –-

my heart bursts with revenge
against all unseen wounds,
the dream that once passed
now I chase into the night.
dying shadows of silenced shock,
this PAIN, remaining yet parched with thirst,
the heavy wind in my ears
and bitter cold of dark;
winter is born and rocks freeze within,
the fire long extinguished
and dreams of you forgotten,

these dim shadows casting solitude on my lonely heart
and closing these eyes one last time,
I no longer see you – or her, or them –
nothing but a lost innocence remains,
            and shards of an undying regret.


Posted on 11/25/2003
Copyright © 2024 William P Strucke

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