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My Mentor, My Guru, My Friend

by Carl Walker

He usually sits as court jester

And often as Rabbi

Sometimes as teacher

often as coach

sometimes he is the floor show

engaging a crowd of us

in pyrotechnic display

or launching bullets

almost always an example of patience and listening

an example of loving his wife and children

(oh you should see it, I could never describe it adequately)

often a guide of what not to do

a puzzle of a man

with brooding moods

he has walked with kings in their treasuries

and beggars on the street

and gives the same to both

not asking or expecting payment

except the demand

that they pay for his time

by getting better

or freer

sometimes he tells of hearing God

and seeing demons

I’m sure he does

But not as often as he thinks he does

And not as often as he says he does

But much, much more than me

Some times he insists on absurdities

Claiming they are true

(don’t press me on this

you’ll just have to decide for yourself)

I’m glad he does

It forces me to sift the BS (bogus stuff)

And take responsibility for what I buy

And what I toss

How can I not love him

His gift to me

Causes my wife to say, “you’ve changed, and it is a good thing”

I wish you could meet him

It’s usually worth the trip

Actually, on a trip by trip basis,

It is often

Not worth the trip

We used to drive up (a two hour drive) Sunday Afternoon

For the meetings

Drive home Sunday night

To get home at 12 or 1 or 2 AM

To get up at 6AM on Monday to go to work

For years we did this

I wish I could describe the dynamic

Of his setting people free

Once my wife and I were arguing

Driving over the mountain

She called him

He didn’t talk to me

Didn’t need to

He told her,

“what stops each of you

from being able to deal

with the log in your eye


it was exactly


the right thing to say

it set me free

it happens often with others

sometimes with me

sometimes when it happens with others

it happens with me at the same time

it makes it worth

driving up Sunday afternoon for the meetings

and getting home

Monday morning at 1 or 2

For years

it's a good thing he has so many flaws

otherwise I'd loose perspective



Author's Note: if you're down this way let's go see him, maybe he'll be your guru/friend too

this is a real person, my mentor and guru

Posted on 11/22/2003
Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anne Engelen on 11/22/03 at 01:49 PM

sound like a good thing in your life! Nice tribute to your friend:)

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 11/23/03 at 02:48 AM

This has to be some kind of parable. Right? Thought provoking for sure!

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