topic: caught between your day and nightmares by Rachelle Howethere were scarce seconds
between fail and try again.
i slipped beneath them,
those waxwork china dolls,
with their eyes that glowed and
teeth that were in shambles.
they bit into me, gargoyles of truth,
their wings leather and foul promises.
i had been built among the
tapestries of forgotten and tomorrow,
each line lasting one more beat,
only to be snorted into my bloodstream.
there was rarely anything
more frightening than the
wrath of a mother whose
name you couldn't remember,
or a father whose hands
decided that borders were
only for the weak at heart.
there was no in-between
in this afterblack, no
yes or simple answer
due to limelight and sorrow.
you bought me a dictionary
so i could begin translating you
and your diversity;
translate the syllables when
you tell me that
phone chords and dissonance
are only a sliced wrist away.
your head was bent back,
you screamed, the sky swallowed,
the night alone in your throat.
its like chaos
in the womb, my dear friend,
those many areas in which
we have been thrown
together and left to chance.
we've been left.
but words can be our
lifeboats and hangovers;
our damning note,
our salvation, our prayer.
they can be whatever we cannot,
because words
don't have an image to uphold.
11/20/2003 Author's Note: this was a joint effort between my left and right brain, collectively. i was having a horrendous time with the ending until the pieces fell. topic by alania schneider. the final aspect was a comment i left for gabriel ricard, which in turn, birthed the piece which will be in my fangs for quite some time.
Posted on 11/20/2003 Copyright © 2025 Rachelle Howe
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Don Coffman on 11/21/03 at 08:39 AM A stunner, indeed, and you certainly retain your queendom over topics. Powerful stuff, Rach, and those closing lines are thoughts that really make an impression and linger in the mind. |
Posted by Ginette T Belle on 11/21/03 at 04:38 PM the third stanza's my favourite...absolutely inspiring...makes me want to start writing... |
Posted by Max Bouillet on 11/21/03 at 07:31 PM Juicey and filled with dreams and nightmares. They weave a personal memory that integrates with the reader's soul and leaves them seeing things in another light. Exceptional read. |
Posted by Mainon A Schwartz on 11/21/03 at 09:58 PM Killer. Positively killer, The lines about father and mother are incomparable. I have to think more about this... more later... one of my favorites of yours, I definitely think... |