

by Emily G Myers

are we friends?
__yes __no

she checked yes
my first official friend

hoop skirts
& made-up words
& she was always
more beautiful
than I

tall & regal
chestnut flowing hair
& eyes
lips curling
into a smile

and occasionally
tripping over a hem

little women
riding horses
a fiddle
or a violin?

play the devil's part
but she played every part
& sashayed her way
into my heart

glamorous women now maybe
but we'll always be little girls


Author's Note: Karla and I have been friends for a long time. I guess you could say my first assurance of her friendship was in second grade when I passed her a note asking if we were friends. she checked yes, so that was it. I couldn't believe someone like her was my friend. she was popular as much as second graders can be, and beautiful and talented. we split in third grade, but when I returned in seventh grade, we picked things right up. and I can say honestly that I've always looked up to her, and I still do. she hasn't done anything to tarnish that. she's shiny sterling silver to me. and she'll probably stay that way.

Posted on 11/19/2003
Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Thomas K. Hunt on 11/24/03 at 12:01 AM

Friends, true friends and you know which ones are true are one of the most important things we can ever have in life...Hang on to them....This is a wonderful poem

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