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These Tangled Words

by Carl Walker

Augh, my mind it is tangled

my thoughts I can not frame

I want to speak of my love for you

but it all comes out lame


is it age, my mind considers, that binds my mouth

and dulls my tongue to express

the serene wonder and delight

that moves me to my soul with your caress


long years ago when we were wed

I thought I knew the limits of what love could reach

but now I've watched you as long decades pass

and now I know a depth of love only time can teach


my love is not birthed

by what you do for me alone

these children we've had

and how you've graced our home


it is not that your beauty

is unexplained

as others grow older

you've stayed the same


though it wouldn't seem right

and it wouldn't seem fair

to have such wisdom of God in your words

without a little silver in your hair


but what binds my mind

leaving thoughts unspoken

is the love of God through you

for the life torn and broken


I've seen your heart serve the wealthy

with no thought of gain

with energy you've loved them

and the tattered and poor the same


you've walked in mansions

with mercy to share

you've walked in prisons

they said you brought love there


as days turn to years

and our lives pass as they must

what I love but can't express

will last for ages after we've turned to dust


Author's Note: I wish you could meet my wife some time, she has her flaws, (I left out the part about anger with cat like claws), oh but she is a dear child of God. What a light she takes into the dark places of the earth and brightens my life.

Posted on 11/14/2003
Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anne Engelen on 11/14/03 at 07:55 PM

There is nothing more beautiful than this expression of true love! Bless the two of you!

Posted by Kimberly Bare on 11/14/03 at 08:38 PM

This is heartwarmingly tender~~I hope she knows how lucky she is...

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 11/14/03 at 09:00 PM

A very beautiful tribute to a life in marriage. Vows which held two together through the decades. And love which grows in intimacy past "the flesh". Your wife should be very warmed by this expression of tenderness.

Posted by Susan Q Tomas on 11/17/03 at 03:25 AM

Wonderful expression of love. You know, wisdom has a price, and one way to pay for it is with silver.

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