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God's Resume

by Carl Walker

How many people make the claim
I know god's name I know his game
come unto me all ye who labor and my god will give you rest
cause darling, my god passes the test
unfortunately its not always the case
cause one view of god won't cut and paste
into another's claim 

of knowing god's name


will the real god please stand up


you gotta read God's resume

like its a test to me


how will you know which "so called" god is the real god?


will you say I'll feel it in my heart

and then the peace can start

will you accept miracles

will that stop your tear-acles


what role will reason play

over which contender for god will stay

how will you discern the best

for which god can past the test


there is a god and he's real real real

but don't base it on how you feel feel feel

combine reason and heart

before life's commitment you start


"objective truth?", you ask

"isn't that too much!", you gasp

yeah, I guess so, I sigh

I'll leave you to your lie


Author's Note: doctors make mistakes, yes they do, yes they do. If a doctor wanted to cut open your chest wouldn't you do a little research and expect real logical answers. I would. but I feel most people really don't expect God to have any objective truth beyond their own "feeling" of what god should be. they just accept stuff without really testing it to see if it is beyond themselves, if their notion of god can really deliver and really is intellectually consistent with a God who rules the universe and can have a real friendship with them. I hate it when that happens.

Posted on 11/05/2003
Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Maureen Glaude on 11/05/03 at 03:19 PM

how orginal, to think of God having a resume. I wonder if he'd get the job, or want it some days? I wonder, too, if he/she had free choice in the assignment>

Posted by Susan Q Tomas on 11/05/03 at 11:22 PM

"combine reason and heart, before life's commitment you start" makes me think about all the other non-traditional ways to familiarize your self with a god. There are hundreds of paths to get to know my God. One should think about these things, feel, and think some more. I knew my God first through theophanies I read about in the bible. Much more than just a feeling. Then comes the peace. I am so glad you have peace too.

Posted by Susan Q Tomas on 11/05/03 at 11:22 PM

"combine reason and heart, before life's commitment you start" makes me think about all the other non-traditional ways to familiarize your self with a god. There are hundreds of paths to get to know my God. One should think about these things, feel, and think some more. I knew my God first through theophanies I read about in the bible. Much more than just a feeling. Then comes the peace. I am so glad you have peace too.

Posted by Susan Q Tomas on 11/05/03 at 11:23 PM

Dang it! It double posted me again! It double posted me again!

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 11/07/03 at 02:10 AM

I recall the Dean of my Alma Mater saying that God and education go together. I think this poem reflects that attitude. The Bible does not teach that we put our mind on the shelf when we come to God through Christ. There is a lot of shallow faith out there. But there is a real relationship. That is why Christ came as God-Man to enable men to have relationship to God. Fine piece of writing.

Posted by Jean Mollett on 09/15/07 at 02:39 AM

Hi Carl, Great write. There is only one God and there is only one son, His son Jesus Christ, our Lord. I do believed Que has the right thoughts along this line.

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