The Joy of a Freshly Mopped Floor by Madeline PestolesiBow to the fury Of my sweeping frenzy While I use the broom to try and scrape up the smashed beetles That I sometimes see trekking across the kitchen And ocassionally step on.
These coffee grounds Have made a lovely home for themselves In front of the stove But it's time we parted. Though it's difficult, I feel our relationship has run its course.
The strawberry daquiri mix stain, However, Remains unfaded and timeless, despite my frantic scrubbing.
Alas, the ashes left from the party (a month ago) Join the coffee grounds in the trash.
When it is all over, The cleaning frenzy, I wait for the floor to dry Desperate to be able To walk on it with bare feet And not have to scrape anything off as I exit. 11/04/2003 Author's Note: Yes, I did mop the floor today, and I love it!
Posted on 11/05/2003 Copyright © 2025 Madeline Pestolesi