My Abusive Relationship with Linguistics by Madeline PestolesiYou wooed me from the start With your promises of teaching me perfect grammer And the secret to diagramming sentences And in the beginning, You were wonderful: Full of compliments and praise For my intelligence.
But something changed.
Now you redicule my knowledge And kick me with low quiz scores Just when I thought I was doing better When I thought I was good enough You beat me down again.
All I ever wanted Was a little love from intermediate grammer. But now, My love for language has turned To chomp me in the ass. 11/04/2003 Author's Note: Ok, so this started as a joke. I am in linguistics and sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. I mean, it's a real emotional rollercoaster, and I found the best analogy for it is comparing it to an abusive relationship. I do not mean to make light of abusive relationships, it's just that just when I think things are going great, Linguistics is starting to treat me right, WHAM! I fail a quiz. I don't know what I think of this poem, probably total crap.
Posted on 11/05/2003 Copyright © 2025 Madeline Pestolesi