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"Trish" (Language and such)

by Trisha De Gracia

Go on,
~lie to me~
Better yet
whisper when I'm not looking

* Put *
* Me *
* In a *
* Box *

Hear my voice and tell me what you think of me:

That i'm a stubborn little girl
without passion or rational thought.
That I'm a hormone infused child with an ego,
an over-inflated sense of self,
a selfish smart mouthed minor.

A melodramatic self-boasting overachiever
with spread legs and a big mouth.
Tell them how I steal what's not mine
from good honest people.
Tell them about the kind of whore I am.
Whore enough to trash the good hearts of poor boys
who never deserved it
just because I feel like.
(Tell them about how I'll do it again,
just you watch for it.)

Tell them how my every day's a lie,
how I'm trying to be just like her,
who you saw
who she was to you
'cause there's no way in hell I'm really




Tell them about how underneath
you think I'm a bitch
(and say the word, don't just imply),
or that if I complain I should shut up
because my parents are together
and there are no problems in my world of perfection.

Tell them that I don't know how to love.
I'm just 15, tell them that.
Tell them everything I couldn't comprehend
and you could.

Tell them of my many facades and turn the world against me.
Tell them all of what you think of me.
Do it.


Author's Note: just going over how I felt at certain times where it seemed like no one could hear me scream... then going over what it felt like not to care so much. What it FEELS like, i should say....

Posted on 11/04/2003
Copyright © 2025 Trisha De Gracia

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Traci Mabats on 11/05/03 at 02:43 AM

I loved the box part. Great idea. Sigh, I almost miss the teenage years.

Posted by Barbara Griffith on 11/05/03 at 05:48 PM

You are my ray of sunshine. Don't ever forget it. You are purple and amazing.

Posted by Kimberly Bare on 05/21/05 at 04:21 AM

a perfectly lovely rant!

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