

by J. P. Davies

What.. is.. it?
Can you fill me in?
Do you Know?
A mystery feeling
there behind the shining
wells of contemplation
that are your eyes.
Illusions of green lights...
PROCEED!! screeching eardrums bare.
No thought for caution'
or stopping myself being
a boulder cascading
descending this mountain
tearing roots
collecting debris on my way.
Magnet for Nonsense
I draw it into my soul
My positive outlook
that attracts all this negativity.
An irresistable pull from almond-eyes.
Fading control, making me lose
all track of life and time .
she is a riddle...
brain warping itself..
trying to find an answer to
the questions she never even asks
"I didn't say a thing"
You never, ever, have to...
the silences are captive energy
that words would dissipate
and make completely irrelevant
You're terrified?
I am petrified...
because maybe one day
I'll wake up
and feel souless again

Leaving you just
a name on my list
of passing fancies
Hate myself for loving you...
Your name already scratched
and twice would be death
so is it love before friendship?
or friendship before love?
I can't say...
just keep making me smile
right down to my chromosomes.

Don't ever stop..


Author's Note: Damn girl you just keep invading my head and this poem was screaming to get out today. Oh well waht is my poetry when its not filled with confusion?

Posted on 11/03/2003
Copyright © 2024 J. P. Davies

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Trisha De Gracia on 10/25/05 at 11:45 PM

all these poems I don't believe I never commented on. End of that first big paragraph, striking in its comparitivity.

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