Topic: Creeping Asterisk by Trisha De GraciaI wish that I could reach you.
You fall down between the letters on the screen
and on these pages
disappear in percent-sign loops
and collapse in U bends.
I've tried to reach a limb
down into the sea of sentences you swim in
pulling my hands across the bits of
a's and e's
i's and o's
u's and sometimes y's
to try and pull you up
from your deep sea dive
your screaming silent suicide
riddled tight between the subject and the verb.
You're hiding there
and you have neither stopped like a period
nor paused like a comma.
You're not yet a capital,
considering you've a long way before starting a complete thought.
No, you're just hiding in the bold print
beautiful, exceptional
with no one's rules to bind you
and not a single other symbol as your kin.
Page after page
I'm still looking
and willing to hand you a J to hold on to.
Yes, even to you
the creeping asterisk.
10/30/2003 Author's Note: Thanks Barbara for the topic ;)
Posted on 10/31/2003 Copyright © 2024 Trisha De Gracia