
contemplate the master (adjust perspective)

by Richard Paez


try to visualize
the whole picture
(obsess with details)

look for truth and meaning
behind brushstrokes
pick apart tones and values
be utterly convinced
that understanding these hues
will unmask the maker

work backwards
to find the inspiration
(adjust perspective)

to find the purpose
and with luck
make sense
of this masterpiece
you left behind

forget myself
adjust perspective
and learn

(to contemplate the master)





Author's Note:
Not necessarily about Van Gogh or Picasso. Life is a canvass. Erase myself to put you in a better perspective.

Posted on 10/29/2003
Copyright © 2024 Richard Paez

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Scott Cadence on 10/29/03 at 06:27 PM

Love the form - your confidence - this is a masterpiece in itself. Beautiful work.

Posted by Anne Engelen on 10/29/03 at 07:10 PM

oh wow...this totally spoke directly to my soul! (in a lot of ways)

Posted by Max Bouillet on 10/29/03 at 08:37 PM

Erasing the preconceptions one posesses in order to gain true understanding. Deconstructing in order to rebuild ourselves better through the interpretation of other's philosophies. Intense words that lead to multiple interpretations and a very spirtitual feel. Great read.

Posted by David R Spellman on 11/02/03 at 03:00 PM

As so much has gone into the mixture which has become each individual one of us, so to are those things which we produce and create, becoming more than what may first meet the eye. If we dig further, and "peel the onion" we can discover many wonders. Excellent way of reminding us all of this Richard.

Posted by Michele Schottelkorb on 11/03/03 at 09:29 AM

very true words, very well put... blessings...

Posted by Don Coffman on 11/20/03 at 06:35 AM

Not only might it apply to art, but it also makes me think of the likes of Einstein, looking for the secrets of the Universe. Really exceptional stuff, lots to think about in here, and it's written just about perfectly, in my humble opinion. :)

Posted by Maryellen Lebeda-Parra on 11/23/03 at 08:29 PM

this certainlt hits me in a very personal place right now ... as i mourn myself ...

Posted by Laura Doom on 11/26/03 at 12:16 AM

Without the last stanza, this would have been an impressive piece of work - with its perspective, it's wonderful poetry

Posted by Maryellen Lebeda-Parra on 12/18/03 at 05:58 PM

this is amazing ... fits very perfectly into some current life situations for me. thanks.

Posted by Mara Meade on 12/30/03 at 11:18 PM

We spend so much of our time adding layers of who and what we want to be... then reality hits and we spend the rest of our lives readjusting to the reality that we are who we CHOOSE to be. Gads... you've been inside my head again, Richard.

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